Friday, January 16, 2015

Letting Go

Earlier this week, I was reading my favorite author's blog called "What's Your Focus Word for 2015?". In her blog, she wrote that every year she chooses one word to be her focus word for the year and this year she chose faithfulness. I thought...what a great idea! So, I started thinking about what my focus word would be for 2015, and guess what the first word was that popped into my mind? Surrender. Ugh....not exactly what I was hoping for! But after thinking it over, it made perfect sense because in my last blog I had mentioned that I've been really struggling with wanting to control people and circumstances in my life.

So, if surrender is my focus word, then what does it really mean to surrender? First, I looked up the word in the dictionary. According to, surrender means "to relinquish possession or control over" or "to give up control of something to someone else". 

Next, I opened my Bible to see what I could find in Scripture. Here are a few verses that stood out to me:

"Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him." ~ Psalm 37:7 (GWT)

"Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer." ~ Job 11:13 (CEV)

After researching what it means to surrender, I discovered that instead of relying on God to work things out, I've been trying to manipulate others, force my agenda, and control every situation. For the past few years, I have really struggled with wanting to control my kids. It was easier to do that when they were little, but now that they are teenagers, it's all out war! 

The truth is, my desire to control everything stems from fear; from wanting to protect my kids from failure and from the hurts of life. But I'm learning that I can't control everything, no matter how hard I try. What I need to do is let go of my kids and let God work. I need to step out of God's way, because he may be using a problem or circumstance either to fulfill his purpose in my life or in my child's life. 

For me, surrendering means I must be willing to follow God even if I don't know where he is taking me. It also means I need to trust God's purpose for my life (and my kids' lives) even if I don't understand the circumstances. And I must to do all of this with patience and prayer. But the bottom line is this: Surrender isn't about giving up; it's about letting go.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Live in the Moment

As I look back over the past year, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all God has blessed me with; an amazing family, great friends, good health, financial provision, etc. I feel that this year, especially in the past few months, there has been a major turning point in my life. 
Back in October, my friend and I decided to start a book club and to meet weekly to discuss the chapter we had read for that week. The book we chose is called, “You’re Already Amazing”, by Holley Gerth. What I discovered while reading this book is that I have not been living my life the way God intended me to live it. I’ve wasted too much energy trying to be perfect, trying to please others, and trying to control the circumstances and people in my life. As a result, I was feeling stressed out and no longer felt peace or joy in my life. So I made a commitment to myself and to God that I would no longer live this way, but instead choose to live fully in the moment, embracing life, loving others, and making a difference in this world. Recently, I read a devotional by Boyd Bailey called “Live in the Moment”. Here is an excerpt from that devotional:
Living in the moment is what the Lord longs for you to do. It’s where He does His best work. He knows that living in the moment engages you with His will, as it is lived out in the present. So if you are with your children, be with them. Laugh with them, cry with them, listen to them, play with them, and pray for them. Lock eyes with your little ones and be with them. Turn off your mind and heart and keep them from running ahead to other issues, problems, and people. These distractions will still be standing in line for your attention when you get back to work. Value living in the moment, and you will live in the moment; for you do what you think is important.
Technology was made for man, not man for technology. So turn off your phone, shut down the computer, and most important, discipline your mind to be present. Bend your mind to listen well and honor others with your purposeful presence. Your undivided attention in the moment says you love and care. Trust God with all the impossible outcomes that await you. You have this one moment and then it is gone forever. So be engaged today and be with the ones you love. Live in the moment, and other things will take care of themselves. Do this one thing, and you will live the life God intended for you. Master living in the moment with the discipline and love of your Master. Seize the moment for your Savior, for other people, and for yourself.
It is my prayer that in 2015, you will choose to live in the moment, fully embracing life and experiencing the peace and joy that can only be found in our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Prince of Peace.